Om / About

Mitt navn er Maya Mi Samuelsen. Jeg er født og oppvokst på Karlsøy i Troms, her har jeg danset i «fjærsteinan» lenger enn jeg kan huske. Jeg har min utdannelse fra Skolen for Samtidsdans i Oslo, og ble uteksaminert høsten 2012.  Jeg jobber ut ifra egne livserfaringer og er kjent for å fremme politiske tematikker som engasjerer meg igjennom min kunst.                                

«Når ord blir fattige og ingen av våre stemmer blir hørt, da lager jeg kunst og håper at noen blir rørt!» Maya Mi Samuelsen


My name is Maya Mi Samuelsen,  I work as a dance artist and a cross-border artist, I’m a choreographer, performer and producer. And im also an activist both personally and artistically.  I use movement, text, sounds, tubas, music, singing and eagle feathers in my work. I work solo and in collaboration with others – dancers, musicians, scientists– I create my own art and I perform in projects initiated by others.


I was born in my old wooden house on Karlsøya, Karlsøya is a small island in the north of Norway, 70 degrees north to be exact. This is also where I have my practice. Karlsøya is surrounded by wild nature, fish farms and a huge windmill-park.


Where I come from and have my roots affects me as an artist and activist. My work lately has been motivated by the many changes that has been made in the nature in my local society. I use my art to fight for our right to a sustainable earth and future.

I think I need to be the positive change I want in the world -For me local change is global change!